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Phrozen's most challenging and audacious project has finally arrived: the Sonic Mega 8K.
Over the past year, we've invested many resources in developing this product for those who truly love bringing their biggest ideas to life.
In the past, printing large models meant compromising print quality. If someone wanted to print large and highly detailed objects, they had to print various parts of 3D models and assemble them all together.
Not anymore! The Phrozen Sonic Mega 8K breaks all the limitations of commercial 3D printers. Now, you can have size and quality in a single print. Radiology models, skulls, jaws, 50 models at once, various aligners, hundreds of parts, whether it's for dentistry or the world of miniatures and other projects, the possibilities are endless. Armies of miniatures, ogres, helmets, armor, giant terrains that cover your entire table, even festival costumes like Halloween, the Sonic Mega 8K prints all your creations with incredible resolution.
8K Printing Capabilities
The Sonic Mega 8K surpasses all other 3D printers on the market, showcasing perfect details at 43 µm, producing 3D models that are almost twice as detailed as other large-scale 3D printers.
15-Inch Mono-LCD Screen
The Sonic Mega 8K comes with the largest Mono-LCD printing area on the market, measuring 15 inches (38 cm). In comparison, the previous largest printing area was 13.3 inches.
Largest XY Printing Area with 40cm in Z-Axis Height, enabling you to print significant-sized models in one go.
Pre-Calibrated Build Platform
All Sonic Mega 8K build platforms are perfectly calibrated before they are shipped, meaning you only need to take the printer out of the box, and it will be ready to use!
Double Linear Rail
For ultra-stabilization of the Z-axis, the Sonic Mega 8K adopts this specific design, allowing large and heavy objects to be printed without oscillation.
Fully Metallic Exterior
Phrozen's Sonic Mega 8K is made entirely of metal, reinforcing its entire structure, making it much stronger and more sustainable for long-term use.
Full Integration with CHITUBOX
It supports the CHITUBOX slicing software, providing you with the ideal settings to print your models with the best possible details and quality.
Multi-Fan Cooling System
Say goodbye to overheating because the Sonic Mega 8K comes with 2 fans that work together to dissipate excess heat from the device.
Dentistry Printing Capacity
• 16 Dental models in 4h30 or 64 models in 6h
• 40 Surgical Guides in 4h
• 560 crowns for injection or casting in 2h
• 32 full dentures for injection in 1h
• 560 temporary crowns in 2h
• 16 miorrelaxant plates in 3h
With the purchase of the MEGA 8K, you will receive complete operational training and support included.
Technology: 15' 8K LCD
XY Resolution: 43μm
Speed: 70mm/hr
Build Volume: 33 x 18.5 x 40cm
Dimensions: 47.5 x 40 x 68 cm
Weight: 35 kg
Formats: STL, SLC, ZIP
Connectivity: USB/LAN
Power Consumption: 250W
*We recommend using an 8 to 10kVA UPS to protect the integrity of this equipment and 3D printing in case of power outages during operation.
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